A beautiful concept, “Stories of Tomorrow”, a forward-thinking keynote by Frederic PICHARD kicking off the event, along with high-quality panels. A wonderful morning organized by TNP Consultants and hosted by Frédéric Simottel, focusing on #AI and the future of businesses in the AI era by 2030.

Cross-cutting and complementary insights and evaluations on a current topic involving numerous contributors from the business world, public sector, education, and research.

💎 Florence Bonnet, Partner TNP
💎 Claire Charbit, VP Strategy and Transformation, Europcar Mobility Group
💎 Amal EL FALLAH – SEGHROUCHNI, international AI expert – Sorbonne University and Ai Movement – UM6P – Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
💎 Laurent Daudet, Co-CEO and Co-founder, LightOn
💎 Eric Feunteun, Operational Director Software République, Renault
💎 Mehdi Gharsallah, Digital and Data Director – Court of Auditors
💎 Stephane Lannuzel, Tech Beauty Director, L’Oréal
💎 Jean-Claude LAROCHE, President, Cigref
💎 Véronique Lemaire, Director of Direct Agricultural Supports, Agency for Services and Payment (ASP) of the State
💎 Henri Pidault, Group CIO, SNCF Group
💎 Guillaume Poupard, Deputy General Manager, Docaposte
💎 Sebastien Rozanes, Chief Data Officer, Carrefour

What richness and collective intelligence! A way to go!! Congratulations to TNP Consultants and Thank you Florence Bonnet for the invitation.