The Executive President's Message : Pr. Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni
Dear All,
On a planetary scale, AI has imposed itself as the figurehead of digital technology and as a catalyst for organizational transformation, economic development, and political instrumentality. From now on, it is difficult to imagine life without Artificial Intelligence, even on Mars, if we are to believe the array of AI algorithms on board the Perseverance rover.
Within Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, we have created the Moroccan International Center of Artificial Intelligence called the Ai movement. In order to accompany the transformations induced by the advent of Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences, to promote the emergence of a Moroccan and African know-how and to meet the many challenges raised by AI. Whether they are scientific, technological, or ethical.
Our center promotes a hybrid and integrative approach to build deep AI and full stack of AI systems taking advantage of the complementarity of different AI paradigms.
Our theoretical and applied research aims at developing high-impact and trustworthy technological tools with a high level of maturity (high TRL, technology readiness level) to facilitate their transfer towards industry and society. To this end, the Ai movement center fosters innovation and creativity to develop technological products to be deployed in various fields. Such as agriculture, education, health, sustainable development, resource management, insurance and finance, public policy, or even in the field of defense, aeronautics, and aerospace.
The Ai movement Center’s missions focus on training in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, development of innovative and operational solutions with high added value for society, environment, market, economy, and technology. To achieve this, the Ai movement relies on 7 pillars. Which are field studies, strategic studies, training, research, development, innovation and transfer towards industry and society. It benefits from numerous assets such as UM6P’s data center, the largest data center in Africa.
Lastly, ethical and responsible AI is a democratic issue today. The activities of the Ai movement Center give great importance to the human dimension, rooted in universal ethical principles, as well as in human rights principles and standards.
The center promotes the development of an ethical and responsible AI at the service of social welfare (“Ai for Good”), of a creative economy, which integrates the dynamism of youth, by training them to acquire the necessary skills to contribute to the development of creative and innovative industries; and has as its mission to participate in the construction of an inclusive knowledge society, by democratizing access to artificial intelligence and data sciences while ensuring the respect of privacy and protection of personal data.
Our website, which I am pleased to present here, will be updated regularly and you can follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter to learn about our projects and developments.
I wish you good navigation!