
As a hub for Artificial Intelligence transformation, Ai movement is based on 7 pillars that structure and define its missions.

  • Attract international expertise in AI and Data Sciences to work in collaboration with national
  • Create international synergies and bring out national talent.
  • Create and strengthen international quality partnerships.
  • Rise society’s awareness and understanding to accept transformations related to the dematerialization of services and AI.
  • Leading change in a way that is adapted to different strata of society.
  • Study the various fields and identify the needs and expectations of different societal strata.
  • Design and implement appropriate training to support the appropriation of AI and its evolution: initial training, training for young people from middle school, lifelong training for adults, vocational training, etc.
  • Develop research structures and connect them to the business world to create synergy between research, industrial and societal needs.
  • Develop a research that fosters innovation, creativity and development of disruptive and innovative tools of high added- value technology products (including tools to deploy for educational innovation).
  • Put a particular emphasis on start-ups and youth entrepreneurship.
  • Transfer the results of the research conducted in partnership with the economic world (R&D) and innovations to companies on the one hand and to society on the other.
  • Promote the creation of an R&D ecosystem (fostering multidisciplinarity and collaboration with existing research centers, national and international research laboratories), entrepreneurship and innovation (FabLab, Start-ups, SMEs, VSEs, etc.) with short cycles and synergies for creativity.
  • Ensure and maintain a strategic and geopolitical vision concerning transformations induced by AI.
  • Develop tools such as “Think Tanks” or “convergence” institutes to shed light on the societal, economic, ethical and (geo)political impact of AI developments.